Stop Bugging Me
Stop Bugging Me is a hand soap for kids focused on making hand-washing a fun and easy way to prevent the spread of “bugs” while keeping families healthy. Developed by a Pediatric Medical Assistant, Stop Bugging Me is a fun way of introducing children to the gang of tiny invaders that can make their bodies sick while teaching them how hand washing can help keep them safe.
Making Hand Washing Fun!
The objective was to tell a brand story that would resonate with parents and children alike with a fun approach to staying "bug" free. 
Typography along with playful characters and vibrant colors, makes Stop Bugging Me stand out from the other hand soaps on the market. An e-commerce website was created to help the brand expand its online presence taking it from an Etsy shop to an online designation. 
Logo  I  Brand Identity  I Packaging  I  Web Design
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